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Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:20 pm
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Webcam Border Addition?

Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:20 am

Hey guys, I thought of a great feature that could be implemented into this software and I thought I'd share it.
So, One of the great features about Action! is the ability to add a webcam border to videos. However, In my experience I found this rather cpu using and overall tough to setup. The default image without a border is simply a black line, This is soooo boring... What if there were a little collection of webcam borders you could choose from? Having them built into the programme could possibly (Not entirely sure.) Stop the frame drops when using a border. Who knows? Maybe you could do some amazing borders and charge a little cash?

Just a suggestion, I thought I'd love to see some default borders implemented.

Thanks guys!


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